Golden Tem·ple the Golden Gate a temple (=a type of church) in Amritsar in India which is very important in the Sikh religion. It stands in the middle of a holy lake and contains the holy book of the Sikhs.
1. What you´ve done is killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. 你所做的就是杀鸡取卵。
2. Whatever the source of noise, one thing is certain: silence, it seems, has become a golden memory. 不管噪声来自何方,有一点是肯定的:看来寂静已变成一种珍贵的回忆。
3. The temple is supported by massive columns. 此庙由粗大的柱子支撑.
4. The field around us looked like a golden sea. 我们周围的田地看起来像一片金黄色的海洋。
5. The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebs. 这是 Shepenmut 的木乃伊,她曾一度在梯比斯寺院当过歌手。
6. The building of this house in the shape of the temple was a rich man´s vagary. 这栋房屋庙宇式的外形,是一位富人的奇想。
7. The golden rule here is spread your risk 这里的指导原则是:分散你的投资风险。
8. The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship from the fifteenth century B. C. until Roman times. 考古工作者考察的这座庙宇从公元前15世纪直到罗马时代一直是祭祀祈祷的场所。
9. The mummy is that of Shepenmut who was once a singer in the Temple of Thebes. 这是曾在底比斯神殿里当过歌手的赛潘姆特的木乃伊。
10. Then and there she turned into a golden statue. 一刹那间,他女儿变成了一尊金塑像。